To do
Failures to download the debian/upstream file should trigger a refractory period using YAML-REFRESH-DATE so that umegaya-refresh-blends does not hammer Alioth uselessly when a large number of binary packages correspond to a single source package that has no debian/upstream file.
Keep an eye on
umegaya-refresh-blends should log warnings instead of sending them to root via the cron job.
Make sure the cron job can work when the package is removed but not purged.
Make umegaya-adm case-insensitive
Safeguards to that umegaya only works on source package names.
Cleanups to remove bogus files.
for package in $(for file in $(find . -name '*.upstream') ; do basename $file .upstream ; done) ; do echo -ne "$package\t" ; apt-cache showsrc $package | grep Package -m1 | awk '{print $2}'; done
The above prints the package name according to the file, and the source package name. Mismatches should be errors, but there are false positives, such as 'dialign-tx dialign-t'
Prevent the creation of arbitrary file names (with spaces) that are not package names.
- Do not create empty file if contents were not retrieved.
- Check if there is no buggy package names with spaces in the berkeley DB.
Do not create 404 Gitweb files nor '500 read timeout' files.
See the example file 'example-push-metadata' on how to clean a package-metadata repository before pushing
Die gracefully if package is not found.
Make sure two processes can run at the same time.
Support HTTP DELETE method.
- Ignore safely the reserved YAML-* field names.
- Warn if debcheckout fails.
- User-Agent HTTP header.
- A Lintian check.
- dh_bibref ?
- Regression tests.
- Store YAML load errors.
- An example debian/upstream/metadata file, that illustrates YAML syntax.
Use a proper installation script instead of debian/install.
umegaya-adm: return package list when invoked with -k and -v Useful for searching for NA YAML-URLs.
Make help page of umegaya accessible when ran through a path (not from the current directory).
Sanitize input of the CGI program; it looks completely insecure.
URL-encode pacakge (and perhaps key) names.
Warn when VCS URL does not point at a directory (lack a trailing slash).
Integrate in the PTS.
Detect all source packages that contain a debian/upstream/metadata file, for instance using apt-file's "-a source" option (see "#632254").
Provide an index of all packages in the Umegaya database (or with upstream metadata in the UDD).
Accept new debian/upstream/metadata files from the public.
Integrate with
Report better errors when a package does not contain upstream medatdata.